The false paradox of love & freedom

Sad times these in which we live… condemned to hide our romanticism and the natural needs for affection and nurturing. So "they" say love is out of fashion… it was replaced by independence, freedom… so "they" say that love contradicts all of the previous... that it is an invention of mankind…. a product of culture a form of control. It’s a weakness, they say... a foolish waste of time and resources that one should apply on being successful. Love is inefficient! So "they" say… It foolishly wastes our energy on dreams and expectations. So love is a prison… "they" say… a form of dependence disguised as happiness…. so "they" say.
I refuse to fit on “their” world, then… I do believe in love! I believe it is the strongest and most powerful energy of all. What is art but a form of love? As science is a form of devotion, charity an expression of care and affection, a truthful dedication to mankind and humanity? If it wasn’t for love we would cease to exist… we are born out of love and its bonds.. we only survive because we are loved…. we grow protected by the arms of those who love us.
The cynical will argue none of these are evidences of love but... that instead these facts are a mere expression of physical and chemical laws of attraction. I do agree… these are all evidences of these laws… I would add though that this is exactly what love is… A series of, sometimes simple other complex and intricate, physical and chemical reactions... pure chemistry. Love is biologically encrypted in every human being… enmeshed in our cells and genetic memory. From love grew and continues to grow the finest and most moving human expressions. Music is all but love… as photography… architecture, acting, filming, cooking... all of these are acts of love and passion! Every time we engage in a relationship with the world... every time it is a meaningful it is a heart-felted connection… a result of a successive strain of falling-in-love moments… even if lasting only for a second. We can love the world, a child, an animal, a sibling, a friend, a landscape, a sound, a smell, a combination of all these. Why do we reject the so called romantic love? Could it be that we are afraid? Oh, yes… some of us (too many) are afraid… as love is in fact a wonder with a force so strong that embraces inevitable risks.
Who is the weak, in fact? The cynical or the romantic? The practical or the idealist? The instrumentalist or the devoted? Love won’t make me weak, nor dependent, nor a fool… fear will! I’m an out of fashion fond of love! SO I SAY! The constant fear of loosing your freedom is the greatest prison of all…
The cynical will argue none of these are evidences of love but... that instead these facts are a mere expression of physical and chemical laws of attraction. I do agree… these are all evidences of these laws… I would add though that this is exactly what love is… A series of, sometimes simple other complex and intricate, physical and chemical reactions... pure chemistry. Love is biologically encrypted in every human being… enmeshed in our cells and genetic memory. From love grew and continues to grow the finest and most moving human expressions. Music is all but love… as photography… architecture, acting, filming, cooking... all of these are acts of love and passion! Every time we engage in a relationship with the world... every time it is a meaningful it is a heart-felted connection… a result of a successive strain of falling-in-love moments… even if lasting only for a second. We can love the world, a child, an animal, a sibling, a friend, a landscape, a sound, a smell, a combination of all these. Why do we reject the so called romantic love? Could it be that we are afraid? Oh, yes… some of us (too many) are afraid… as love is in fact a wonder with a force so strong that embraces inevitable risks.
Who is the weak, in fact? The cynical or the romantic? The practical or the idealist? The instrumentalist or the devoted? Love won’t make me weak, nor dependent, nor a fool… fear will! I’m an out of fashion fond of love! SO I SAY! The constant fear of loosing your freedom is the greatest prison of all…
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